Wyjazd Edukacyjny do Londynu

W dniach 31.03—5.04.2023 uczniowie klas 1a, 1b, 1c, 1g, 2d, 3f i 3g uczestniczyli w Wyjeździe Edukacyjnym do Londynu pod opieką nauczycieli p. Ewy Góry, p. Barbary Luzar, p. Piotra Rydarowicza oraz p. dyr. Jacka Biłko. Podczas tych pięciu dni uczniowie zwiedzili gabinet figur woskowych Madame Tussauds, Tower of London, British Museum, National History Museum oraz miejscowość Oxford. Uczestniczyli też w wieczornym spektaklu w teatrze oraz w warsztatach językowych w Kew Gardens. Jak widać na zdjęciach wyjazd okazał się bardzo udany.
Poniżej znajdziecie krótkie relacje z poszczególnych dni Wyjazdu Edukacyjnego w słowach samych uczestników.
DAY 1 (by Nikola Wojtyła)
The first day of our trip to London was full of sightseeing. We arrived at 7 am and after that, we went to museums which were funded by the infamous royal couple Victoria and Albert, i.e. the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum and the V&A Museum. Having visited all of them, we went to Madame Tussauds, which is a wax museum. There we got to see numerous figures of actors, singers, characters from movies and other famous people, which were all very well made and had a lot of details. At the end of the tour we were also invited to a 10 minute showing of a short film in 8D, which we all found to be very spectacular. The last place we went to was a restaurant with Indian food. Following our long day, we felt full and satisfied thanks to the amazing meal. After that, we got to our hotels and checked in for the night.
DAY 2 (by Julia Szczotka)
We travelled by underground to Greenwich. First, we saw the Greenwich Meridian, where we could stand on the Eastern and Western Hemispheres at the same time. We visited the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, where everyone took photos. Later we went to the National Maritime Museum and heard a lot about a Nelson-class battleship. Then we cruised on the River Thames. We had a beautiful view because my friends and I saw Tower Bridge and the streets of London. We got off next to the London Eye and we immediately went to see Big Ben. Next attraction was the National Gallery, where we could see many important and famous paintings, for example Van Gogh's Sunflowers or Titian's Venus with a Mirror. We walked throughout the whole day so we saw the most important and attractive streets of London.
DAY 3 (by Ewelina Kłusak)
We started our third day by crossing one of the most popular bridges in London – Tower Bridge. Next we walked to the Tower of London. There we saw some armours and the Crown Jewels of the UK. After free time spent within the Tower of London, we went to the roof of One New Change shopping centre, from which we watched beautiful buildings, including St Paul's Cathedral. Our last point on this day was the British Museum, where we had free time to see some interesting moments in World History.
DAY 4 (by Ewelina Wojtyła)
On the fourth day of our trip at first we went to Kew Gardens, where we had biology lessons about evolution and adaptation of plants. We saw some plants from different natural zones and learnt how they had adapted to the environment. After some free time we visited Buckingham Palace. Then we went to St Martin's Theatre to see The Mousetrap, a murder mystery play by Agatha Christie. To conclude this day we went for a night trip and took some breathtaking photos! It was a day full of walking, learning and having a great time.
DAY 5 (by Zofia Motyka)
We started the day with a tour of Windsor Castle (constructed between 1824 and 1828), which was the main residence of English monarchs outside London for almost nine centuries. In the middle of the castle there is a cylindrical tower called the Round Tower. We also had the opportunity to see the famous Eton College, which is one of the oldest boarding schools for boys in England. Finally, it was the city of Oxford we had all been waiting for. Apart from being a beautiful city, it is also the seat of the University of Oxford – the oldest English-speaking university in the world.